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Biochemistry is essentially a branch of science that analyses the chemical substances in the structure of all living organisms in the form of plants, animals and microorganisms and the chemical processes that continue throughout the life of the organism.

The aim of the clinical biochemistry laboratory is to analyse organic compounds such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (fats), vitamins and hormones, which are the basic components of the human body, and elements such as sodium, potassium, etc. (in samples such as blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, joint fluid). Thus; biochemical mechanisms in health and disease are to support physicians and patients in the diagnosis, follow-up, treatment and prevention of diseases.

It is now recognised that the biochemistry laboratory plays a central role in health. Statistical data obtained from researches reveal that approximately 70% of all medical decisions are based on laboratory results. Most physicians also evaluate laboratory tests more objectively than patient history and examination. Therefore, the laboratory has a great importance in the fulfilment of total health care.

Clinical biochemistry laboratories are the units that aim to provide the most reliable, most accurate and highest quality results to the patients in the shortest time. In these units, biologists, chemists, laboratory technicians, laboratory technicians and other personnel work in a coordinated manner under the management of a biochemistry specialist and serve patients and physicians. The task of the laboratory starts with the physician's question "which tests should I order" and continues until the results are used for the benefit of the patient. In this context, the workload of laboratories and the responsibilities of providing quality service accordingly are of great importance. For this reason, it is extremely important that modern, high quality, fast and accurate devices and systems are used, that the laboratory team is knowledgeable and experienced in the work performed, and that the tests performed with internal and external quality control programmes are carried out in a way to provide accurate, reliable and high quality results.

It should not be forgotten that not only for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, but also for the biochemical examination of healthy individuals enables the predetermination of diseases that tend to occur in the future and the necessary precautions to be taken. For this reason, healthy people, especially over the age of 40, should undergo a health check-up at least once a year and have some biochemical analyses performed according to the physician's recommendations (check-up).

In the biochemistry laboratory, studies are carried out in the following sub-units.

Hormone analyses

Biochemistry analyses

Tumour markers

Coagulation tests

Vitamin analyses

Urine analyses

Stool analyses

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Biyokimya Uzmanı

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